Posts Tagged ‘McGovern’

The NY Times and John McCain

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

I get the NY Times by e-mail very day and usually skim a couple of articles. Today there was another hit piece on McCain and I began to read it but figured it would soon by “Fisked” and I would wait for that. Sure enough,  here it is. This was a pretty pitiful effort but even poor old George McGovern is trying to get his licks in.

I would say, ‘John, you were shot down early in the war and spent most of the time in prison. I flew 35 combat missions with a 10-man crew and brought them home safely every time.’

I’d say it’s too bad SAM missiles hadn’t been invented in 1944 but there were nine other guys in that B 17 with McGovern.

Worries about Obama on the left

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

There are growing worries on the left that Obama could be the next McGovern. Some of these guys were McGovern people so they should know.