The NY Times and John McCain

I get the NY Times by e-mail very day and usually skim a couple of articles. Today there was another hit piece on McCain and I began to read it but figured it would soon by “Fisked” and I would wait for that. Sure enough,  here it is. This was a pretty pitiful effort but even poor old George McGovern is trying to get his licks in.

I would say, ‘John, you were shot down early in the war and spent most of the time in prison. I flew 35 combat missions with a 10-man crew and brought them home safely every time.’

I’d say it’s too bad SAM missiles hadn’t been invented in 1944 but there were nine other guys in that B 17 with McGovern.

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2 Responses to “The NY Times and John McCain”

  1. Nancy says:

    Poor form on George McGovern’s part.

  2. Mike LaRoche says:

    The cheese is sliding off the cracker.