Posts Tagged ‘universities’

Commencement Day is coming

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

My daughter (I think) will graduate from high school on May 31. I don’t know if they have scheduled a commencement speaker. I don’t think they give honorary high school diplomas, so this humorous essay is probably not applicable but it is good enough that I included it.

I was once asked to give the commencement address to the graduating class of UC, Irvine medical school. I already had an MD, so no honorary degrees were involved. I also addressed my own graduating class as valedictorian and student body president and I got a degree that time.

I agree with the essayist that honorary degrees have gotten well past the point of becoming ridiculous. Still, at the awarding of my last degree, in 1995, President Clinton gave a nice speech and handed me my degree. That was the occasion for a photo that I brandish at my children from time to time.

The university vs the student

Monday, May 12th, 2008

An interesting situation has arisen at Central Michigan University. The university hired a Democratic Congressional candidate to teach one class a week but at a full-time salary. A student became upset at what he perceived to be support of this candidate with tax-payer funds. His efforts have drawn the ire of the university which is now trying to kick him out.

Here is the story. I don’t think anyone is still so naive as to believe that universities are neutral in politics but few show the blatant favoritism of this story.