Posts Tagged ‘David Frum’

Not exactly a book review

Friday, May 30th, 2008

UPDATE #3: Bob Novak is not impressed by McClellan’s version of events and doesn’t think he wrote the book.

UPDATE #2: Here is more on how the Mclellan book came to be. George Soros’ publisher was the only one interested. Hmmmm.

UPDATE: David Frum has a column about the McClellan book in Canada’s national Post and I think his points are very well taken. Bush valued loyalty above everything else and got a dysfunctional administration. Frum seems to have no higher opinon of Condi Rice than I have.

This isn’t exactly a book review but Bob Dole expresses his opinion of Scott McClellan in an e-mail. I always thought McClellan was a poor Press Secretary and frankly considered him another example of Bush’s misplaced loyalty to Texas friends. One such example got Bush into a lot of trouble when he appointed his unqualified friend, Michael Brown, or “Brownie,” as head of FEMA before hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Now McClellan is selling what little integrity he might have and looking an ingrate.

Why would McClellan do something like this ? Maybe he’s in love.

Plus, of course, he had help.