Posts Tagged ‘casualties’

A few bits about our military

Friday, April 11th, 2008

This letter by an Australian soldier is nice as it gives an image of our military that we don’t often see. Too bad so many people in this country can’t see it.

This video of the new prosthetic arm that has been invented for wounded soldiers is fantastic.

Just a couple of things of interest.

Then, there is an explanation by someone who really knows and has no political ambitions although, if he did, I would be a contributer, just as I am now.   Then, of course, there are the silly vanities of the left who know nothing of the military or any serious institution.

The end of the Lancet

Friday, January 4th, 2008

The Lancet has been a prestigious British medical journal for 150 years, at least until recently. It began to falter with the bogus study associating childhood vaccines with autism. That study was eventually shown to be fraudulant and funded by lawyers. More recently, it has gotten itself heavily involved with the politics of the Iraq War. Now, its major study of Iraqi casualties has been exposed as a fraud. The political left has been complaining that the cause of science is harmed by religious conservatives who do not accept evolution or who oppose stem cell research. It now appears that the fundamentalists were amateurs in the business of politicizing science.

And we haven’t even gotten to the subject of global warming.

Little Green Footballs  has accumulated a list of links to stories debunking the Lancet story.