Posts Tagged ‘AIPAC’

Obama and Israel

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Obama gave a speech to the AIPAC meeting today. That is a very pro-Israel group which has been accused of various conspiracies over the years. Since the Constitution preserves the right to “petition the government for redress of grievances“, the complaints are baloney tinged with anti-Semitism. The speech is discussed here and some serious points are raised. A lot of the people around Obama are pro-Palestinian and some are openly anti-Semetic. He has some ‘splaining to do.

In his speech, Obama said all the right things, like “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and undivided”

Now he is, as usual, backpedaling. He meant not divided by barbed wire. He also used an ominous word in his speech. He said the Palestinian state had to have “contiguous” borders. The 2000 agreement which Arafat spurned had a corridor connecting Gaza to the West Bank. The corridor crossed Israeli territory. “Contiguous” sounds like a new condition. I don’t trust him.