Posts Tagged ‘Afghanistan’

Not Guantanamo

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Two Afghan women awaiting execution

The political left, and the usual European-based scolds, are constantly complaining about the “awful” captivity of suspected terrorists in the Guantanamo Bay naval base. I see few complaints however, about this sort of thing. The Associated Press, source of anti-American diatribes almost on a daily basis, has an “embedded” reporter with the Taliban. On July 12, he provided the AP with a “snuff film” of the execution of two Afghan women accused of prostitution. I am still waiting to see the outraged reaction from Amnesty International or the other usual suspects who accuse us of torture.

Do something for somebody who needs it.

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

I just learned today about an organization that helps wounded service people at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. They have a wish list on for the electronic library of movies and TV shows. I just ordered some videos to send. Why don’t you do something, too ?

News from Afghanistan

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

The Taliban is at the “tipping point” of losing the war to the allies and the Afghans. So much for the theory that Afghanistan was lost because of Iraq.

The key to the success may be the increasing use of Predator drones over Pakistan, which do not require permission and are deniable as they fly very high and have enormous range. The BRitish are using another vehicle:

They have also been subjected to strikes by the RAF’s American-made Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle and the guided Royal Artillery missile system, which have both proved a major battlefield success.

The future of this sort of asymmetrical war lies with technology as well as the COIN tactics of General Petraeus. In the 1980s, the Mujahaddeen told the CIA “We are not afraid of the Russians but we are very afraid of their helicopters.” The next generation consists of UAVs that can loiter at high altitude for 24 hours looking for targets.

An MQ-1B Predator unmanned aerial vehicle based at Balad AB Iraq engaged three anti-Iraqi forces in the process of placing an improvised explosive device along a road near Balad Air Base Monday night, 29 March 2004. The Predator launched an AGM-114 Hellfire missile against the group. The Predator monitored the three individuals for about half an hour while they used a pick ax to dig a hole in the road, placed an explosive round in the hole and strung wires from the hole to a ditch on the side of the road. When it was clear the individuals were placing an IED, the Predator launched the 105-pound Hellfire missile, resulting in the deaths of all three insurgents.

They didn’t hear it or know it was watching them !

Afghanistan is turning around

Monday, May 12th, 2008

There has been speculation that, while Iraq is responding to the COIN methodology of David Petraeus, Afghanistan was being lost. Some of this is the ineptitude of NATO forces that have been so risk averse that they have barricaded themselves in their bases and ignored the Afghans. Given the lack of political support in their home countries, avoiding casualties has been a major consideration, if not the only one.

This report suggests that things are not that bad and/or are getting better using the same COIN tactics that we use in Iraq. This suggests that the Army has been successfully transformed since 2003 and the lessons learned will remain as the junior officers rise in the Army command structure. The Marines were already preparing for the COIN warfare of the 21st century.

McCain, Iraq and Iran

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

The Democrats seem to be pursuing a strategy of implying that Senator McCain is getting senile. They tried it with Reagan and it backfired in one debate. The latest is a series of statements disputing a comment McCain allegedly made confusing Sunni and Shia. Everybody paying attention knows that al Qeada is Sunni and Iran is Shia. The subtleties of radical jihadism seems to have eluded the masterminds of the Democratic Party. We know that the new chair of the House Intelligence Committee, a Democrat from Texas, doesn’t know the difference between the two divisions of Islam. If you look at his website, it’s easy to learn what is important.

4/2/2008 – The federal government has awarded more than $1 million in federal funds to the El Paso community for programs at UTEP, the El Paso Collaborative, and the Opportunity Center for the Homeless.

The issue is whether Iran is assisting the al Qeada Sunni terrorists in their war against us. The NY Sun   agrees with McCain. Certainly, we know that Iran assisted al Qeada fugitives when they were fleeing from Afghanistan after we defeated them and the Taliban in 2002. The NY Times, true to its agenda of opposing the war, attacks McCain for “misspeaking.”

This report from 2005 on connections between Iraq and Afghanistan attacks does not mention how the jihadis travel between Iraq and Afghanistan. Do they fly ? What is between Iraq and Afghanistan ? Iran.

In 1996, after the Taliban seized power, Osama bin Laden relocated to Afghanistan where he established a number of terrorist training camps. Al-Qaeda training attracted a steady stream of young Islamists, many of whom transited Iran. While Iranian border officials normally stamp passports, they made an exception for many Al-Qaeda terrorists. The 9-11 Commission explained how this facilitated Al-Qaeda operations.

The 9/11 Commission seemed to think Iran and al Qeada cooperated.

Between 1991 and 1996, Osama bin Laden lived in Sudan where he was protected by Hassan Abdullah at-Turabi, the leader of Sudan’s National Islamic Front, an Islamist movement. According to the 9-11 Commission, Sudanese officials facilitated meetings between al-Qaeda operatives and Iranian officials, a relationship which blossomed into tactical training: Turabi sought to persuade Shiites and Sunnis to put aside their divisions and join against the common enemy. In late 1991 or 1992, discussions in Sudan between al Qaeda and Iranian operatives led to an informal agreement to cooperate in providing support—even if only training—for actions carried out primarily against Israel and the United States. Not long afterward, senior al Qaeda operatives and trainers traveled to Iran to receive training in explosives.

In the fall of 1993, another such delegation went to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon for further training in explosives as well as in intelligence and security. Bin Ladin reportedly showed particular interest in learning how to use truck bombs such as the one that had killed 241 U.S. Marines in Lebanon in 1983. The relationship between al Qaeda and Iran demonstrated that Sunni-Shia divisions did not necessarily pose an insurmountable barrier to cooperation in terrorist operations.

So who is senile ? McCain or the people who get their intelligence from the NY Times?

Vietnam II

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

UPDATE: The good guys are watching and recording all that went on. This account will eventually lead to debunking although the account suggests there was little other than weeping and complaining. No real atrocities were described.

The left cannot give up its childish illusions and and so they have returned to their past with this exercise in lying propaganda. This will be debunked but the solemn coverage here shows how badly they want to go back.

Of course, John Kerry cannot escape his record of complicity in the previous “Winter Soldier” media circus. That was thoroughly debunked but it took years to track down all the phony soldiers and their lies. By that time, the story was part of the history of the war.

I wonder if the debunking will be any more effective. The public perception of the war has changed and the left hasn’t yet noticed.

Of course, they and their media friends have no interest in this report showing how Saddam’s connections to al Qeada were discounted by anti-Bush leaks and dishonest reporting. Nobody cares anymore.

The next attack on Bush foreign policy

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Soon, probably after the two political conventions this summer, we will see the next attack on the Bush foreign policy establishment and that attack will be based on this controversy. Did Iran offer a “Grand Bargain” in 2003. Barbara Slavin, a correspondent for USA Today, has written a book alleging the “Grand Bargain” theory and accusing “neocons” of torpedoing this chance for peace. This will fit nicely with Barack Obama’s promise to open unconditional talks with Iran. Richard Armitage, no friend of Bush and whom she quotes as supporting her thesis, does not agree and points out that we were in talks with Iran all along. This will become a major issue in the fall campaign. The more people understand what was really going on, the less traction it will have.

Will this wake up England ?

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

Prince Harry is back from Afghanistan and is being threatened by Islamist fanatics. Do you suppose this might be enough to rouse some British patriotism ? I wonder.