Archive for the ‘Israel’ Category

Pious Fraternizer With Evil

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

“Hamas can be trusted,” said Jimmy Carter, ex-president and moral ignoramus, in a recent television interview with Meredith Viera.

Carter was arguing for Israel to accept the terrorist group Hamas as a legitimate partner for peace, saying peace without Hamas was impossible. From the article linked above:

“The former US President said that he has been promised by the organization’s leaders in Damascus and Gaza that Hamas would honor agreements between Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas and Israel, as long as they were supported by public referendum.”

If Carter would have read more and moralized less, he would know Hamas has always maintained that any agreements to stop hostilities with Israel are only temporary. Their word for it is “hudna,” which is not peace, but a temporary lull in fighting. The ultimate goal remains the destruction of Israel, as Hamas leader Nizar Rayyan, now happily enjoying his 72 virgins, made clear in an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg in the Atlantic.

There was no flexibility with Rayyan. This is what he said when I asked him if he could envision a 50-year hudna (or cease-fire) with Israel: “The only reason to have a hudna is to prepare yourself for the final battle. We don’t need 50 years to prepare ourselves for the final battle with Israel.” There is no chance, he said, that true Islam would ever allow a Jewish state to survive in the Muslim Middle East. “Israel is an impossibility. It is an offense against God.”

I asked him if he believed, as some Hamas theologians do (and certainly as many Hezbollah leaders do) that Jews are the “sons of pigs and apes.” He gave me an interesting answer that reflects a myopic reading of the Koran. “Allah changed disobedient Jews into apes and pigs, it is true, but he specifically said these apes and pigs did not have the ability to reproduce. So it is not literally true that Jews today are descended from pigs and apes, but it is true that some of the ancestors of Jews were transformed into pigs and apes, and it is true that Allah continually makes the Jews pay for their crimes in many different ways. They are a cursed people.”

Carter was evidently too busy meeting in Damascus and elsewhere with Hamas to do some elementary reading. Moreover, he doesn’t appear to consider Hamas a terrorist organization:


Thus, when Vieira notes that “you’ve been criticized for [meeting with Hamas], sir, because Hamas is considered a terrorist group,” Carter gives a little grin and responds:

By some they are, and they’ve done some bad things, but for instance a year before we had the cease-fire that I helped to orchestrate last June the 19th, there was one Israeli killed by rockets. And on an average, 49 Palestinians were killed every month during that previous year. And as soon as the cease-fire went into effect, Hamas obeyed it completely. There was no serious rocket fire during the next four or five months. Whereas, Israel did not restore providing provisions for the — for the Palestinians and Gaza.

In actuality, four Israelis were killed in rocket fire in the year prior to the cease-fire that began on June 19, 2008.


Jimmy Carter, blind in his vast pride and ignorance, has set a record for ex-presidents in legitimizing a hateful barbarian gang. Proclaiming the purest motives, Carter has embraced a foul, malignant evil. In the eyes of history, that negative and foolish legacy will far outweigh any good he’s done.

Bush Did Good

Monday, January 19th, 2009

Bradley J. Fikes

I’ve never been a supporter of George W. Bush, but as the handoff nears, Bush the Younger’s record of opposing terrorism and the terrorist apologists in the media and elsewhere is starting to look pretty good.

President Obama will face challenges from terrorist-supporting states like Iran and non-state terrorists like Al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah. Nothing in Obama’s record suggests he’ll have the strength of will to stand up to them. Bush did.

During Israel’s recent war against the terrorist group Hamas, Bush stood firmly behind Israel, while Obama ducked the spotlight. Given his long association with the Hamas-loving Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama can be reasonably assumed not be be strongly opposed to Hamas. At least he never said so at the time.

And Bush may have been right about Iraq. While I still have doubts about the Iraq war, I’m less opposed to it now, and am rethinking matters. It’s not that Bush has been particularly eloquent or persusive. The large number of demented, often blatantly anti-American and anti-Semitic protesters here and around the world have been far more persuasive.

Zombietime is an excellent resource to show just how much the anti-war movement and support of those pacifist Palestinians has been taken over by these racist loonballs:

Non-racist friends of Hamas

President Bush, thank you for your work opposing terrorism and opposing terrorist advocates like these who would deliver us to our enemies, by stupidity or design.