Archive for the ‘energy’ Category


Friday, June 18th, 2010

We had a mini-firestorm yesterday after the House energy committee had BP CEO, Tony Hayward (now ex-CEO), in for a ritual beating. Joe Barton, a Texas Congressman and an honest man (as well as far better qualified to comment on the oil spill than 95% of his colleagues) apologized to BP for the disgusting treatment they had received from the Obama administration.

If you listen to what he says, there is nothing that I see as untrue. What really outrages me, is the behavior of the Republican leadership of the GOP in the House. They threatened him with loss of his position as ranking member. They ordered him to apologize for his remarks. This is truly outrageous.

Of course, the White House, showing that they can move quickly on issues that matter to them, immediately attacked Mr Barton. I am not surprised at their reaction. What would you expect them to say, knowing Barack Obama as we do now? Joe Biden, the Vice-President, attacked Mr Barton with considerably more skill than Obama and his usual minions. Biden has had decades to develop his skills in lying.

Later that day, under enormous pressure, Joe Barton apologized. Unfortunately, I cannot find the You Tube version of that statement but I have heard it and can reassure conservatives that his backing down was not of the cowardly variety but he maintained the truth of his earlier statement and apologized for the “misconstruction” of his statement. Of course, those misconstruing it, did so purposefully.

The scene we have witnessed the past few weeks is one of incompetence by our government (The Coast Guard stopped oil removal by barges because they could not verify the presence of life jackets on board) and grandstanding by Congressmen with a very weak connection to the science of the situation. Congressman Barton has BS and MS degrees in Engineering and has served as a consultant to the oil industry before his Congressional career. He is uniquely well qualified to judge the present situation. He represents a district heavily involved in the oil industry. What do you expect ?

I can understand the administration trying to mitigate the image of their incompetence. What I cannot accept is the reaction of Congressman’s Barton’s colleagues in the GOP leadership. That is disgusting. I got a call from the Republican Party an hour or so ago. I gave the lady calling a piece of my mind on this issue. I did it politely but I hope it registers. If Congressmen Boehner and Cantor can’t do better than this, I wonder how much difference it makes who is in the majority.

Maybe Mr Barton could have phrased his comments more artfully but IT WAS THE TRUTH !

Global Warming hits southern California

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

We have had lots of talk about global warming the past decade. Senators Kerry and Lieberman have introduced their Cap & Trade (tax) Bill in the Senate. I thought some of you might be interested in the latest local manifestation of “Climate Change.”

This is Lake Arrowhead Village at 10 AM, May 23. I have had weekend homes in the Lake Arrowhead area for 35 years. I have been planning to move up there for retirement. It is at about 5000 feet in the San Bernardino Mountains, approximately an hour and 45 minutes from my home in south Orange County. The latest I have ever seen it snow was March 18.

Welcome to climate change.

Uncommon Sense On Global Warming

Monday, March 29th, 2010


By Bradley J. Fikes

The Breakthrough Institute is a rarity among progressive think tanks: It repudiates the scare tactics, along with exaggeration and spin used by most left-wing lobbying groups, such as the deceptively named Union of Concerned “Scientists” and Center for American Progress.

This think tank members, such as Roger Pielke, Jr., recognize that the hard work of global warming skeptics is not necessarily “anti-science,” but represents a differing viewpoint that has been shut out of scientific discussion in favor of a phony consensus, driven by the politics of demonization instead of rational discussion. People like Steve McIntyre, (shown in cartoon below), have helped bring down that consensus, although the worst damage has been done by the global warming activists themselves.

The fearsome, well-funded global warming skeptic movement.The fearsome, well-funded global warming skeptic movement.

Now two of the Breakthrough Institute’s leaders have called for environmentalist organizations to abandon the 20-year quest to push all their interests, such as reducing energy consumption, under the global warming mantra. They want these subjects to be discussed on their own merits, without the global warming fear tactics. And I wholeheartedly concur.

Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus write in Yale 360 that not only have the wheels come off the supposedly invincible global warming juggernaut, but that the wreckage threatens other environmentalist goals. In short, the hysterical rhetoric has lost credibility with the public. Even some mainstream media reporters are experiencing synaptic activity over facts that have been obvious for months, if not years.

They write:

“While the urge to blame fossil-fuel-funded skeptics for this recent bad turn of events has proven irresistible for most environmental leaders and pundits, forward-looking greens wishing to ascertain what might be salvaged from the wreckage would be well advised to look closer to home. Climate science, even at its most uncontroversial, could never motivate the remaking of the entire global energy economy. Efforts to use climate science to threaten an apocalyptic future should we fail to embrace green proposals, and to characterize present-day natural disasters as terrifying previews of an impending day of reckoning, have only served to undermine the credibility of both climate science and progressive energy policy.”

Amen to that. Shameless appeals to fear don’t work any more. Many environmental goals are worthy in their own right, but they’ve been tainted as propaganda vehicles for global warming. Scientists are pressured to bring their research into line with the so-called consensus, prostituting the integrity of science. Even zoos and aquariums have been turned into propaganda vehicles.

At last, the dirty secret is out. While global warming activists claim to be motivated by science, their true agenda is enacting their far-left, anti-business agenda. Rational environmentalists are wise to keep their distance from them.

They are all liars

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

One of the responses to the CRU scandal is that NASA has all the data and they agree with the global warming hysterics so the East Anglia scandal is no big deal. Well, the Competitive Enterprise Institute has had a Freedom of Information Act request for NASA data in place for two years. Finally, after two years of stonewalling, the CEI notified NASA that they would file suit soon. Probably because of the CRU “Climategate” scandal, the NSAS people finally released the data requested. And is it interesting !

The documents released via the FOIA request, however, contain admissions of data unreliability that are staggering, particularly in light of NASA’s claims to know temperatures and anomalies within hundredths of a degree, and the alarm they helped raise over a mere one degree of claimed warming over more than an entire century.

Dr. Reto Ruedy, a Hansen colleague at GISS, complains in his August 3, 2007, email to his co-worker at GISS and RealClimate blogger Gavin Schmidt:

[The United States Historical Climate Network] data are not routinely kept up-to-date (at this point the (sic) seem to end in 2002).

This lapse led to wild differences in data claimed to be from the same ground stations by USHCN and the Global Climate Network (GHCN). NASA later trumpeted the “adjustments” they made to this data (upward only, of course) in extremely minor amounts — adjustments they are now seen admitting are well within any uncertainty, a fact that received significantly less emphasis in their public media campaign claiming anomalous, man-made warming.

GISS’s Ruedy then wrote:

[NASA’s] assumption that the adjustments made the older data consistent with future data … may not have been correct. … Indeed, in 490 of the 1057 stations the USHCN data were up to 1C colder than the corresponding GHCN data, in 77 stations the data were the same, and in the remaining 490 stations the USHCN data were warmer than the GHCN data.

Ruedy claimed this introduced an estimated warming into the record of 0.1 deg C. Ruedy then described an alternate way of manipulating the temperature data, “a more careful method” they might consider using, instead.

Read the whole thing. Maybe thee people should be prosecuted. Billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent on this nonsense. The next Congress might be interested. This one certainly isn’t.

I especially like this e-mail quote:

Although in public he often used his high-profile perch for global warming cheerleading, former New York Times environmental reporter Andrew Revkin privately wrote that he was worried about the integrity of the ground stations. When still at the Times he wrote to Hansen on August 23, 2007:

i never, till today, visited and found it quite amazing. if our stations are that shoddy, what’s it like in Mongolia?

Of course, that is the point and always has been.

UPDATE: Here is more evidence of the coverup, this time by Nature. They are all crooks.

Al Gore Poetry Prize

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

By Bradley J. Fikes

Courtesy of James Delingpole at the Telegraph.

This is my favorite:

Hark the Al Gore warming sting
“Glory to the carbon king”
Cap and trade and tax the air
Help the drowning polar bear.
Plant the wind farms curb and sanction
He needs the bunce to fund his mansion
The science settled graphs are in
Computer models tweaked and spinned
Give him money for your sins
“Glory to the carbon king ”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

DISCLAIMER: This post represents my opinion, and not necessarily that of my employer, the North County Times.

The hockey stick

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Watch this video to see the magnitude of the Mann “hockey stick” when compared to the past using Greenland ice cores.

Well ?

The danger of models

Monday, December 14th, 2009

There is a very pertinent article today on the dangers of putting too much faith in models, based on inadequate information.

We’ve now lived through the same new disaster twice. Computer simulations, more or less universally adopted as the solution to a major problem, turned out to have been based on flawed assumptions and faulty data. As a result policy or markets became heavily skewed in an inappropriate direction. Wall Street’s risk managers and climate change scientists both acted as super-salesmen for a paradigm that turned out to be flawed. After two examples of the same error have each cost the world a substantial percentage of a year’s GDP, we’d better figure out how to avoid further examples of this syndrome.

I have previously linked to an article that compared Obama to Mikhail Gorbachev. I think this comparison is also valid and interesting.

As the credit crisis of 2008 recedes into history, the part in it played by misguided computer models, particularly in the risk management area, is becoming generally agreed. Rating agencies made assumptions about the probabilistic independence of different home mortgages that were unfounded. As a result many of their AAA ratings proved to be completely spurious, particularly in the subprime area where the loans’ vulnerability to a house price downturn was especially extreme.

Investment banks managed their risks based on the “Value-at-Risk” risk management paradigm, which assumed that the distribution of securities’ returns was approximately Gaussian (normally distributed), with a very low probability of high losses. The “Basel II” system of global capital adequacy standards for banks, which came into effect in 2008, just in time for the crash, was so impressed with these models that it ruled that any bank using such obviously sophisticated and superior modeling techniques could calculate risks on its own, without reference to the crude guidelines deemed appropriate for smaller, less mathematically attuned houses. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) essentially agreed with the Basel Committee; from 2004, it allowed the largest U.S. investment banks to manage their own leverage, under the theory that no mere regulator could match the exquisite precision of a modern VaR-based risk management system.

The model and the confidence placed in it by financial managers who should know better resembles and old paradigm, confidence in machines that we don’t understand. The “black box” is an example. It had happened before. Programs were written by physics PhDs who did not understand finance for financial experts who did not understand programming.

It’s not as if Wall Street had no warning; mathematical models based on modern financial theory had caused huge losses as far back as 1987, and had caused the collapse of Long Term Capital Management in 1998. Yet the world’s best remunerated people went on using the mathematical models that had caused moderate sized disasters before, only to watch them cause a truly impressive disaster in 2008. It must have been some kind of compulsion.

Then we come to global warming and the cap and trade legislation that relies on the theory.

Turning now to my other example, that of global warming: the possibility that excess carbon dioxide, through a “greenhouse effect” might cause a global rise in temperature is based on well-established chemistry and physics. Deniers of the possibility of global warming are thus being as irrational as the extreme eco-alarmists; global warming is indeed possible because of physical and chemical processes that are perfectly well understood, indeed fairly elementary.

The difficulty arises in estimating whether it is actually happening. The rise in temperatures so far observed is well within the level of “noise” in global temperatures over a period of a century or so, let alone the more extreme fluctuations that have taken place when the observation period is extended to millennia. It is thus necessary to match the very limited temperature data we have, stretching back no more than a century on a worldwide basis, with secondary observations of such things as tree rings and ice cores, synthesizing the result with a computer model of what is believed to be the carbon forcing process in order to predict the range of possible future warming effects.

This is of course a very similar process to that undertaken by Wall Street’s rating agencies and risk managers. Assumptions and simplifications are made, without which it would be impossible to construct a model. Then the model is matched up against a few years’ observations in real time, being “tweaked” as real data comes in that does not quite fit with it. By the time this has been done, careers have been invested in the model, institutions have been built around its predictions and eminent people have become enthralled by its results. It thus takes on the appearance of a scientific reality as solid as Newtonian mechanics.

The economic effects of this model are even greater than the effects of the financial models.

The political left continues to lie about the causes of these recurrent crises, even Nobel Prize winners.

The first big wave of deregulation took place under Ronald Reagan — and quickly led to disaster, in the form of the savings-and-loan crisis of the 1980s. Taxpayers ended up paying more than 2 percent of G.D.P., the equivalent of around $300 billion today, to clean up the mess.

I’m sure that Paul Krugman knows the story of Fernand St Germain and the midnight amendment that brought down the S&Ls.

By the time Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, two-thirds of the nation’s S&Ls were losing money and many were broke. If all the problem thrifts had been shut down right then, the government’s insurance fund would have covered their debts.

Instead, the government delayed an average of two years-and, in some cases, as many as seven years-thus allowing bankrupt S&Ls to go on losing billions of dollars. This delay also gave S&Ls a chance to gamble on questionable investments, in an attempt to regain solvency. But first they had to convince Congress to deregulate them.

One night in 1980, Representative Fernand St Germain (D-Rhode Island), whose $10,000-to-$20,000-a-year restaurant and bar tab was paid for by the S&L industry’s chief lobbyist, proposed raising federal insurance on S&L savings accounts from $40,000 to $100,000- even though the average size of an S&L account was $6,000. He waited until after midnight, when only eleven representatives were still on the floor of the House; they approved his proposal unanimously.

But St Germain was just getting warmed up. In 1982, he cosponsored a bill that removed all controls on what S&Ls could charge for interest and released them from their century-old reliance on home mortgages.

That was Regulation Q.

Around the same time, the Reagan administration ended the requirement that S&Ls lend money only in their own communities, allowed them to offer 100% financing (i.e. no down payments), let real estate developers own their own S&Ls, and permitted S&L owners to lend money to themselves.

These changes were like taping a sign to the S&Ls’ backs that read, “Defraud me.

This has little to do with models but I ran across that Krugman column which is so duplicitous that I had to add a comment.

Cui Bono ?

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

There is an ancient Roman proverb, Cui Bono ? This means, “Who benefits ? The meaning also implies that there may be subterfuge in the situation.

L. Cassius ille quem populus Romanus verissimum et sapientissimum iudicem putabat identidem in causis quaerere solebat ‘cui bono’ fuisset.
The famous Lucius Cassius, whom the Roman people used to regard as a very honest and wise judge, was in the habit of asking, time and again, ‘To whose benefit?’

Who is George Soros ?

To read his foundation web page, he is a benefactor of mankind. His superficial biography is one of a young man who sought freedom in the west.

Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1930. His father was taken prisoner during World War I and eventually fled from captivity in Russia to reunite with his family in Budapest. Soros was thirteen years old when Hitler’s Wehrmacht seized Hungary and began deporting the country’s Jews to extermination camps. In 1946, as the Soviet Union was taking control of the country, Soros attended a conference in the West and defected. He emigrated in 1947 to England, supported himself by working as a railroad porter and a restaurant waiter, graduated in 1952 from the London School of Economics, and obtained an entry-level position with an investment bank.

How did he make his fortune ? The foundation web site doesn’t say. We know, though.

He attacked the currency of the country which gave him refuge.

George Soros gained international notoriety when, in September of 1992, he risked $10 billion on a single currency speculation when he shorted the British pound. He turned out to be right, and in a single day the trade generated a profit of $1 billion – ultimately, it was reported that his profit on the transaction almost reached $2 billion. As a result, he is famously known as the “the man who broke the Bank of England.

Soros is also famous for running the Quantum Fund, which generated an average annual return of more than 30% while he was at the helm. Along with the famous pound trade, Soros was also cited by some as the “trigger” behind the Asian financial crisis in 1997, as he had a large bet against the Thai baht.

He seems to do quite well by attacking national financial stability. Why should this concern us ?

His other biographical information tells us he is a “philanthropist.” What does that mean ?

The effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations.

Where does attacking the national currencies of peaceful countries fall under that definition ? Philos is the Greek root for love and Anthropos is another root for man. Maybe we should call him a Philosoros.

Why does this matter ? Well, he is a major funder of the Democratic party and, especially, the left wing of the Democratic party. Some people are worried.

Why would a plutocrat with a history of currency manipulation be supporting left wing activists ?

One aspect of the Democrats’ policy positions is really puzzling. Why are they so adamantly opposed to domestic oil and gas production ? I know they are devoted to the global warming theory but they have not made any attempt to seek alternatives, like nuclear power. What is George Soros’ position on carbon dioxide and global warming ?

Well, he is on record supporting the Democrats’ position, even offering to donate a billion dollars and “I will also insist that the investments make a real contribution to solving the problem of climate change.” So there he is, on record.

Why then, is he the largest investor in Brazil’s massive offshore oil program ?

Petrobras, which until recently was little known outside oil circles, has launched a five-year, $174 billion project to provide platforms, rigs, support vessels and drilling systems to develop tens of billions of barrels of oil. Energy officials here project that Brazil — still an oil importer five years ago — will in the next decade have one of the world’s biggest oil reserves.

“It’s going to change the role of Brazil in the geopolitics of oil,” Petrobras’s president, José Sergio Gabrielli, said in an interview at the company’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. “We are going to become a much bigger producer.”

So, Brazil, unlike the US, is planning a massive drilling operation offshore. In fact, even if we belatedly decided to “drill, baby, drill” in our offshore oil fields, we could not do so as Brazil has long term leases on all the deep sea drill rigs for the next 10 years.

Who is the largest investor in this massive project ?

With a market capitalization of more than $220 billion, Petrobras is one of the world’s 10 biggest companies. Over the past two years, it has been the most frequently traded foreign company on the New York Stock Exchange, trade data show. Among investors bullish on Petrobras is George Soros, who last year made the oil company the largest single holding in his investment fund, according to Bloomberg.

Is this another of George’s ventures where he sells his country short, makes yet another fortune and retires to some small country that is safe and secure ? Are the Democrats that stupid ?

The CRU files were leaked, not “hacked.”

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

Here is a very solid explanation of why the files were leaked by an insider at CRU.

The released emails are a gold mine for a system administrator or network administrator to map. While none of the emails released contained headers, several included replies that contained the headers of the original emails. An experienced administrator can create an accurate map of the email topography to and from the CRU over the time period in question, 1998 thru 2009.

The entire post is a detailed explanation which is easy for a unix user to understand.

POP deletes email on the server usually after it is downloaded. Modern POP clients do have an option to save the email on the server for some number of days, but Eudora Light 3.0.3 did not. We can say that Professor Davies’ emails were definitely removed from the server as soon as “Send/Recv” was finished.

This revelation leaves only two scenarios for the hacker:

Professor Davies’ email was archived on a server and the hacker was able to crack into it, or
Professor Davies kept all of his email from 1999 and he kept his computer when he was promoted to Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Transfer in 2004 from his position as Dean of the School of Environmental Sciences.
The latter scenario requires that the hacker would have had to know how to break into Prof. Davies’ computer and would have had to get into that computer to retrieve those early emails. If that were true, then the hacker would have had to get into every other computer involved to retrieve the emails on those systems. Given that many mail clients use a binary format for email storage and given the number of machines the hacker would have to break into to collect all of the emails, I find this scenario very improbable.

Which means that the mail servers at were configured to collect all incoming and outgoing email into a single account. As that account built up, the administrator would naturally want to archive it off to a file server where it could be saved.

The details of how these files were configured make it very unlikely an outsider hacked them.

So given the assumptions listed above, the hacker would have to have access to the gateway mail server and/or the Administration file server where the emails were archived. This machine would most likely be an Administrative file server. It would not be optimal for an Administrator to clutter up a production server open to the Internet with sensitive archives.

This means it is very unlikely that the server which had the e-mail archive was connected to the internet.

The ./FOIA/documents directory is a complete mess. There are documents from Professor Hulme, Professor Briffa, the now famous HARRY_READ_ME.txt, and many others. There seems to be no order at all.

One file in particular, ./FOIA/documents/mkhadcrut is only three lines long and contains:

tail +13021 hadcrut-1851-1996.dat | head -n 359352 | ./twistglob > hadcrut.dat
# nb. 1994- data is already dateline-aligned
cat hadcrut-1994-2001.dat >> hadcrut.dat

Pretty simple stuff, get everything in hadcrut-1851-1996.dat starting at the 13021st line. From that get only the first 359352 lines and run that through a program called twistglob in this directory and dump the results into hadcrut.dat. Then dump all of the information in hadcrut-1994-2001.dat into the bottom of hadcrut.dat.

….Except there isn’t a program called twistglob in the ./FOIA/documents/ directory. Nor is there the resultant hadcrut.dat or the source files hadcrut-1851-1996.dat and hadcrut-1994-2001.dat.

This tells me that the collection of files and directories in ./documents isn’t so much a shared directory on a server, but a dump directory for someone who collected all of these files. The originals would be from shared folders, home directories, desktop machines, workstations, profiles and the like.

Remember the reason that the Freedom of Information requests were denied? In email 1106338806.txt, Jan 21, 2005 Professor Phil Jones states that he will be using IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) to shelter the data from Freedom of Information requests. In email 1219239172.txt, on August 20th 2008, Prof. Jones says “The FOI line we’re all using is this. IPCC is exempt from any countries FOI – the skeptics have been told this. Even though we (MOHC, CRU/UEA) possibly hold relevant info the IPCC is not part our remit (mission statement, aims etc) therefore we don’t have an obligation to pass it on.”

Is that why the data files, the result files and the ‘twistglob’ program aren’t in the ./documents directory? I think this is a likely possibility.

This file existed because someone was planning to honor the FOIA request. Then, it was denied.

The only reasonable explanation for the archive being in this state is that the FOI Officer at the University was practising due diligence. The UEA was collecting data that couldn’t be sheltered and they created

It is most likely that the FOI Officer at the University put it on an anonymous ftp server or that it resided on a shared folder that many people had access to and some curious individual looked at it.

If as some say, this was a targeted crack, then the cracker would have had to have back-doors and access to every machine at UEA and not just the CRU. It simply isn’t reasonable for the FOI Officer to have kept the collection on a CRU system where CRU people had access, but rather used a UEA system.

Occam’s razor concludes that “the simplest explanation or strategy tends to be the best one”. The simplest explanation in this case is that someone at UEA found it and released it to the wild and the release of wasn’t because of some hacker, but because of a leak from UEA by a person with scruples.

Diogenes searched the world for an honest man. He seems to have found one (or an honest woman) at University of East Anglia.

Climategate: Be Skeptical of Envirojournalism

Saturday, December 5th, 2009

By Bradley J. Fikes

Someone who is paid to find evidence of environmental catastrophes would probably find them more often than someone whose pay doesn’t depend on finding them. That’s something to keep in mind when you read environmental reporting on Climategate.

Any large news organization, such as the Associated Press, has reporters assigned to cover environmental issues. The agenda in environmental reporting is that humans are damaging the planet, and the role of the reporter is to wake people up to the damage. Otherwise, the beat would not be justified. For example, here’s how the New York Times explains its Dot Earth blog:

“By 2050 or so, the world population is expected to reach nine billion, essentially adding two Chinas to the number of people alive today. Those billions will be seeking food, water and other resources on a planet where, scientists say, humans are already shaping climate and the web of life.”

It’s not hard to see what the point is — humans are a plague on the planet, and overpopulation is the problem. This is the discredited enviro-Malthusian view that prompted discredited doomsayer Paul Ehrlich to make his famous bet with Julian Simon that the price of five metals — selected by Ehrlich — would rise as demand increased. Ehrlich lost.

A field based on the premise that humans are ruining the planet is naturally going to attract reporters who think that way. They talk to like-minded scientists, they talk to each other, they talk to Greenpeace, with a token skeptic or two thrown in to give the pretension of balance.

So the output of these environmental reporters is generally swayed toward the most alarmist views. Global warming is the poster child.

Climategate is an unwelcome gate-crasher at the doomfest. Top climate scientists are caught red-handed discussing how to hide information that would call man-caused global warming, AGW, into question. They discuss how to squeeze skeptics out of peer-reviewed journals, and even blackball journals that discuss skeptical work.
