Posts Tagged ‘Michael Totten’

The worst airline in the world

Friday, March 20th, 2009

Apologies to Keith Olbermann (Did I say that ?) but Michael Totten has a hilarious story about flying on Alitalia. If anybody wants to know what the health care system Obama will design is like, read this.

A fifty year-old Italian man in a fedora started screaming at both of them.

A man standing next to me chuckled.

“Do you understand what he’s saying?” I said.

“I’m from Argentina,” he said, “but I speak Italian. That man is cursing like you wouldn’t believe.”

Mr. Enraged was screaming like you wouldn’t believe – wild-eyed, nostril-flared, spittle-flecked screaming.
Listening to him and imagining which curse words he used he was entertaining, but mostly the guy came across like a belligerent jerk. The two Alitalia employees on the receiving end of his tirade weren’t responsible for our predicament. The baggage handlers were on strike, but the counter employees were still on the job.

Later, though, I realized that Mr. Enraged was just ahead of everyone else. The rest of us booked on the flight to Chicago would learn soon enough that a huge number of Alitalia’s employees absolutely deserved to be screamed at.

It’s a hilarious story as long as you didn’t have to live through it.

This is what victory in Iraq looks like.

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Michael Totten’s latest post from Fallujah shows what winning in Iraq looks like. It isn’t all rosy, look at the last paragraph. Still, the change from three years ago is astonishing. Of course, the opponents of the war have moved the goalposts.

Al Qeada and Islam

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

I have thought for some time that radical Islam of the al Qeada variety, is a totalitarian ideology like communism or fascism. Michael Totten has a column that has a similar theme.

Al Qaeda came through Islam and used it to enter Iraqi lands. They are killers, insurgents, they don’t respect humanity. They don’t belong to Islam or have religious beliefs. They have no kind of religious beliefs.”

Don’t assume Mahmoud is dissembling when he says this. It may appear that some Muslims are being overly defensive by saying Osama bin Laden is not a real Muslim, but there is a solid case to be made that radical Islamism is, in fact, a totalitarian cult unhinged from the religion as it is actually practiced by the majority. It is they, after all, who blow up mosques in Iraq. I know of at least one mosque in Ramadi that is considered “blackened” because insurgents used it as a base. No one will set foot in it now.

I think this is the case. The stories about the 9/11 hijackers visiting strip clubs were thought odd given that they were supposed to be devout Muslims. Now those stories seem to fit this theme.