The Same Old Story

Once again, the MSM follows the old theme of the veteran as victim. For a while, the Vietnam vets were derided as “babykillers.” That was the era of the spitting on returning soldiers. In recent years this has been denied and the story attacked as a right wing slander. Still, there are enough descriptions of these incidents to make it clear they were not a myth. The next theme was that Vietnam vets were losers and crazy. This slander got enough traction that BG Burkett wrote a book refuting the lies. He found that even job applications were affected by the myth of the Vietnam vet as damaged goods. He found that most of the stories that made it to the media were phony. The “vets” had either never been in combat, or never been to Vietnam or even never had been in the military at all. Along the way, he exposed a number of fakers. After the first Gulf War, “Gulf War Syndrome” was the current complaint and, of course, it was due to an unknown cause. There were allegations that depleted uranium, used in anti-tank munitions, were the cause. Of course, uranium has been used in fine crystal for a century (Marie Curie obtained radium from tons of uranium ore used for Bavarian glass works in 1895) and there are no reports of illness from crystal congnac snifters. Now we have the Iraq vet suicide story. It has since been debunked. That won’t stop its progress through the left wing media. More evidence that soldiers are children and they are helpless to protect themsleves against the evil BushHitler types.

One Response to “The Same Old Story”

  1. Mike K.

    The debunking link you gave is erroneous. It goes to a different study, released four months earlier.