The conversion of Muslims to Christianity

This is an interesting discussion of Muslims leaving Islam, following a prediction of Daniel Pipes that the Iranians may leave Islam if they reject the theocracy now ruling Iran. Al Qeada may be the catalyst for much of this as they show the dark side of the religion. Interesting times.

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5 Responses to “The conversion of Muslims to Christianity”

  1. doombuggy says:

    Interesting indeed.

    We have a nexus here, of Islam using Western medicine to improve their child mortality, and thus grow the religion through fecundity. Islam uses Western economies to turn their oil into vast wealth to prop us the religion. Islam uses Western technology to communicate, surveil, transport, and bank, and further their goals. So we have a kind of parasitism going on. I’m watching to see how much the parasite can grow at the expense of the host.

    The West is banking on openness and knowledge transfer to win the day. I think we have a chance, but the self hatred factor is high. I’m still trying to come to terms with this self loathing. It’s like a flower dying after coming into full bloom.

  2. Miraj says:

    I posted this comment on the pajamas media blog …

    “I think people should be free to convert to whichever faith they like. I am a Muslim who almost converted to Christianity. But what made me stop was the complete lack of authenticity in the religion. The Gospels are not written in the language Christ spoke. The Trinity cannot be found anywhere in the Bible. Neither can other fundamental Christian doctrines. Indeed, Christian doctrine is so irrational as to be absurd. Christians claim God is love. But what kind of loving God kills His own innocent son? And what is this imbecilic notion of original sin?

    Islam, on the other hand, is logically consistent. God is one. God is not a binity or trinity or dodeckinity. Yes, at times Islam was spread by the sword. But where do we find in the history of Muslims the kinds of genocides committed by the Catholic Church on natives in Latin American? Where was there an Islamic Inquisition? Which Muslim scientist was burned at the stake for proclaiming the world is round?

    I agree that Muslims need to take responsibility for the ills in their societies. But where do you find among Muslims the sorts of denial and coverups that we have seen in the Anglican and Catholic churches over pedophilia?

    Just some thoughts.”

  3. Eric Blair says:

    Well, I was waiting for that one. I could ask where precisely in the Q’uran I can find Wahabism, but that is just the point: it’s an attempt to argue.

    I would only recommend that people have a look at:

    I have an idea. We will ask Christians to quit terrorist actions as soon as Muslim jihadists do so. Oh, wait…

  4. Eric Blair says:

    “..But where do you find among Muslims the sorts of denial and coverups that we have seen in the Anglican and Catholic churches over pedophilia?..”

    Al-Jazeera, right after the bit stating that Jews are descended from pigs and apes.

    And this is a fun reference for folks who like to try to find equivalence:

  5. “But where do we find in the history of Muslims the kinds of genocides committed by the Catholic Church on natives in Latin American?”

    First, the slaves who were not captured by other African blacks were captured and sold by Arab slave traders. Second, what about this ?

    As far as I know the Gospels were written in Greek and Aramaic so I don’t understand your point about that. In fact, the entire “Translation Movement” that preserved Greek medicine and science by translating into Arabic was dependent upon converts to Islam who did the translations. As far as burning scientists at the stake, you might want to read my book chapter on Islam and the history of medicine. Muslim science stopped about 1300. All Muslim medicine is Greek.