Nation chooses GOP; California chooses suicide.

There were huge Republican gains all across the nation yesterday. They took over the House of Representatives by the largest margin since 1948. John Boehner will be speaker with a clear mandate from the tea parties. Harry Reid hung on to his seat by some typical Nevada shenanigans with casinos getting their employees to vote, whether they wanted to or not. The Republicans failed to get a majority in the Senate which is a mixed blessing. Some of the tea party candidates had a hard time lacking experience.

California, on the other hand, turned back to the past and elected Jerry Brown governor. This is a disaster but he apparently won by a comfortable margin. I would imagine Gloria Allred has a big payday coming. The notorious housekeeper will, of course, be discarded. Barbara Boxer seems to have survived but this has little to do with the impending California catastrophe except as she is another indicator of the fatuous voters here. The only good news is that redistricting reform passed but it has to get past Brown. In addition to Brown, the the entire Democrat statewide slate won, which will make the coming collapse the clear responsibility of the party and its policies.

To add more weight on the scale, the voters passed measures to make tax increases easier, removing the 2/3 vote requirement from Prop 13 in 1978. They also rejected a suspension of the lunatic “cap and tax” law passed two years ago which was going to roll back global warming by killing even more California jobs.

I wonder if Jerry Brown thinks the Congress, with the House in Republican hands, is going to bail out his state when the pensions and state employee salaries and benefits break the budget. He was elected by the employee unions, which is only fair as he was the governor who made such unions legal by executive order. In 1983, the British Labour Party, in a last gasp of the old trade union Marxists, ran for election on a pure leftist, if not communist, manifesto. It was called “The longest suicide note in history.” Tony Blair followed as Labour Party leader. I wonder what will follow Jerry Brown?

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3 Responses to “Nation chooses GOP; California chooses suicide.”

  1. Hey Doc! How do you think I feel…?!?!

    My state just elected Andrew “Mr. Ex-HUD Secretary under Clinton” Cuomo to the governorship!

    Sheldon Silver will soon be reelected as NYS Assembly Speaker rather than arrested, handcuffed, booked, tried, convicted, and sent to jail for any number of corrupt and/or unethical actions he’s taken while in office.

    We’ve just reelected – in landslides – Chuck Schumer and that empty headed puppet Kirsten Gillibrand to the U.S. Senate!

    Democrats won both the state Comptroller’s Office and the Attorney Generalship!!!

    Ultimately… (and I’m being 100% serious here)… the “Union” that Lincoln held together by force must – hopefully peacefully… if not… violently – disassemble itself.

    Just as a nation half free and half slave could not survive as such, neither can a nation half socialist and half individualistic.

    The Left wants to take my money… take my freedom of choice… limit my opportunities and those of my child and one day her offspring.

    If we “do things my way” this doesn’t “take away” the liberties and property of those on the other side of the ideological spectrum. But if we do things “their way” then my political and property rights are by necessity violated. There’s just no room for compromise.


    I’ll be amazed if by no later than 2020 (my time-line used to envision 2025, even 2035 or 2045) states will start seceding (or at least attempting to secede) from our present federal Union.

    States like your California, my New York, and Obama’s Illinois have – through their irresponsibility – laid the seeds of a new “civil war” one day.

    Harriman, NY

  2. People are moving out of those states.

    I was convinced to stay in California by my daughter-in-law to stay close to the grandchildren. I wonder if that was a mistake. I suspect the down payment on the house I bought in California last summer will evaporate. The producers are leaving this state. New York has the financial sector but those people can live anywhere. All their work is done on-line. Singapore must be looking tempting for more and more. My consulting is small time compared to them but I can do it anywhere I have an internet connection.

    The abusive states are on warning. The exodus could happen very quickly.

  3. doombuggy says:

    Our current course seems manifestly unsustainable, but I wonder how a big change would occur. It seems the parasite of government has grown so big and invasive that the host is terminally subsumed. I’m thinking of my local conservative cohorts–most talk a good game, but they are quite dependent on the largess of government, from the landlord rapidly pushing section 8 housing, to the contractor whose biggest clients are government contracts. A local farmer gets massive subsidies from the feds, along with using immigrant labor and gaming the bankruptcy/insurance tarmac. Our local hospital was losing money so they got themselves designated a critical care facility, and this opened the gates to federal tax dollars.

    If everyone is a drug addict, how do we see our way clear to rehab?