Rush Limbaugh Channels Thomas Jefferson

By Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R.

Thoughtful Tom is often quoted as saying he would rather have newspapers without a government than a government without newspapers. But he later on was much more critical of the media’s sloppiness and inaccuracy — much like a latter-day media observer:

Thomas Jefferson:

“Perhaps an editor might begin a reformation in some such way as this. Divide his paper into four chapters, heading the 1st, Truths. 2nd, Probabilities. 3rd, Possibilities. 4th, Lies. The first chapter would be very short, as it would contain little more than authentic papers and information from such sources as the editor would be willing to risk his own reputation for their truth. The second would contain what, from a mature consideration of all circumstances, his judgment should conclude to be probably true. This, however, should rather contain too little than too much. The third and fourth should be professedly for those readers who would rather have lies for their money than the blank paper they would occupy.”

Rush Limbaugh:

“So now you’ve got a front page advertisement that’s made to look like a story, and it’s probably pretty accurate about what the TV show is about.  There’s probably more accuracy in the fake story than there is in your average LA Times front-page story, or any other newspaper. The obituaries are probably the most dependable, honest things in newspapers.  But even there the jury is still out.  Classified ads, I’d say second.  Crossword puzzle, you can pretty much count on that.  The sports pages used to be fairly honest.  Now the libs have totally taken over the sports pages.  That’s deteriorating into a touchy-feely section with political overtones in most newspapers as well.”

This piece by Bradley J. Fikes is his personal opinion, and not necessarily that of his employer, the North County Times.

3 Responses to “Rush Limbaugh Channels Thomas Jefferson”

  1. […] U.S. sovereignty may give way to a one-world government. Read More Pandemic: Limbaugh’s Rush Limbaugh Channels Thomas Jefferson – 04/11/2009 By Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. Thoughtful Tom is often quoted as saying […]

  2. LYT says:

    Rush Limbaugh also enjoys eating large quantities. Much like Benjamin Franklin, who he is clearly channeling.

  3. A gibe at Limbaugh’s weight! What an original and brilliant way to refute his ideas! 🙂