I Denounce Myself . . .

By Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R.

. . . for failing to be sufficiently outraged by Rush Limbaugh, as every good member of the MSM should be. I just played the infamous “Barack the Magic Negro” Paul Shankland parody El Rushbo broadcast, and collapsed in  hysterics. (Having met the infamous David Ehrenstein, who applied the phrase to The Messiah, helped).

Before that, I played the Barney Frank “Banking Queen” Shankland parody, also broadcast on Limbaugh.

I felt much like the Nine Nozdrul of Bored of the Rings when they saw Stomper’s frantic follies:

The nine stared at the writhing, foaming maniac with round, red eyes. The sight of Stomper filled them with awe. They stood speechless.

Suddenly one of the stunned creatures began to titter, then chuckle. Another guffawed. Two more joined in, chortling loudly, and finally all nine were in the throes of hysterical, side-aching laughter.

Stomper, puffing and enraged, stood up and tripped on his cape, spilling his silver bullets all over the floor. The whole dining room roared with unbelieving hilarity. Tears rolled down the Nozdruls’ scaly cheeks,  gasping for air and incapable of holding their maces. Haw haw haw!

Stomper got to his feet, his face beet-red with anger. He lifted his sword, and the blade fell off the handle. Haw haw haw haw haw!

The Nozdrul rolled and writhed on the ground, clutching their ribs. Stomper replaced the blade, took a mighty wind-up, and firmly embedded the point in the cement pig.


DISCLAIMER: Like everything else posted by Bradley J. Fikes, this is his personal opinion, and not of his employer, the North County Times.

One Response to “I Denounce Myself . . .”

  1. Bradley, I think the Limbaugh parodies are very well done and the whole issue is a complaint in search of a problem.

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