An election decided by issues

There have been allegations that many Obama supporters are voting for him just because he is black. To study this question, Howard Stern sent out staff members to do man-in-the-street interviews. Listen to this and they should settle the question.

They agree that Obama supports the war in Iraq, opposes stem cell research and chose Sarah Palin for his VP.

No problem. On the issues, they are with him.

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12 Responses to “An election decided by issues”

  1. allan says:

    Yep. Saw that video last night. Not a Stern fan, but I’ll give him credit for airing what everyone knows, but never admits. Matter of fact, he does seem to relish antagonizing whomever he pleases. Kind of like that about him. His own little equal opportunity program for exposing stupidity wherever he finds it. I do get a kick out of his flailing in any direction he pleases. That is, that’s what I recall about him. Haven’t listened to him for years until this video.

  2. I suspect we will all be listening to satellite radio after Obama and Pelosi combine to gut talk radio. It may be like 20 years ago in Britain when private radio programs were broadcast from ships outside the three mile limit to avoid the BBC monopoly.

  3. Eric Blair says:

    That video may or may not be a goof. But you have to admit—and this is utterly independent of race—a person who thinks that Obama picked Sarah Palin for his VP should NOT be voting.

    The sad part is that poll tests—and guess which party used that principle?—are irrevocably wedded to the concept of racism.

    I remember arguing about this on another blog, and I continue to maintain that a “Schoolhouse Rocks” level of knowledge of political issues should be a prerequisite for voting. But then, the current meme is that everyone should vote. Multiple times, under false names, apparently.

    And the MSM insists that the ACORN business isn’t relevant to the Presidential race.


  4. Limbaugh was using “America held hostage” as a theme the first two years of Clinton’s term. Little did he know.

  5. cassandra says:

    I always wanted to to try that myself – say something outrageously false and see who would agree. I think people who lack self-confidence are loath to contradict. So they go along maybe with a tiny question mark in their mind, but won’t disagree out loud. Been around people like that all my life in the bar business. They kinda sway this way and that with the political/social winds.

    But that very deficiency makes them vulnerable to the crowd.

  6. […] There have been allegations that many Obama supporters are voting for him just because he is black. To study this question, Howard Stern sent out staff members to do man-in-the-street interviews. Listen to this and they should settle …[Continue Reading] […]

  7. doombuggy says:

    That video was too funny.

    Whenever I catch a liberal frothing at the mouth about “dumb conservatives”, I suggest we put a 3 question multiple choice IQ test at the top of all ballots. You code in your answers, and if less than 2 out of 3 are correct, your ballot is not counted. That way everyone can vote, but most of the ignorant conservatives will be flushed away, and then a liberal paradise can flower and grow.

    Sometimes I suggest we select for IQ by making the ballot difficult to use, such as a butterfly ballot (!), or making the voter registration rules more baroque. Or make voting a multistage process.

    ACORN tactics gripe me. In my community, they come in here with their money and their leisure time and they chain together all the meth addicts, convicted felons, welfare recipients, et al, while I’m trying to organize the Jehovah Witnesses, Mennonites, Amish, and Hutterites.

  8. I really don’t know what is going to happen in this election. I think a lot of people feel the same way. The left should be celebrating if they believe those polls they quote but I don’t think they do believe them. Maybe the ACORN thing will resonate with independents. I think McCain has to bring it up tonight. In spite of everything, I think he is still close and all the complaints about his campaign are just indicators that everyone is confused about what will work

  9. Webster says:

    The election is impossible to call as our “news” media is a thinly veiled partisan element. I have to think it is close at best. At very best McCain wins, which is a far from inspiring outcome. The reverse is too obscure a prospect to make out and, as such, is potentially nightmarish. Good luck, McCain tonight.

    In Virginia we have Mark Warner (D) running for Senate, and most of the electorate seems to confuse him with the retiring Senator John Warner (R). God help us.

  10. Eric Blair says:

    Webster, the Powers that Be *like* voters to be stupid. I don’t mean that trollishly, I mean that literally: they want everyone to vote party ticket, that’s it.

    I would LOVE to see a poll test. But I promise you, folks would line up to call me “racist” for saying that. At the same time, remember Al Gore bleating about “every vote should count,” but strangely not military ones?

    He only wanted votes for HIM to count.

    This is no different, and that is ACORN’s goal.

    The Ohio situation makes me physicially ill.

  11. “I would LOVE to see a poll test.”

    Not going to call you a racist, but this is a lousy idea. If a liberal made the same suggestion the “elitist” charge would be be flying like there is no tomorrow.

  12. I could see a very simple test like “Provide the names of the present president and vice-president of the US.” A woman called Hugh Hewitt one day last spring to argue about the election. Finally, getting suspicious, he asked her who the VP was. She couldn’t name him.