Obama’s Values

There has been considerable discussion of Obama’s values as an index of his electability as president. He is not a Muslim and he now says he rejects the values of his pastor, Reverend Wright.

Here is one indication of where those values might be found. They seem to parallel the values of the philanthropic left today, and that includes most philanthropic foundations. Long ago, these foundations were funded with the estates of great capitalists. It is not unusual for the descendants of these people to lose the connection between capitalism and their own comfortable lives. For example, Ned Lamont, the far-left candidate who opposed Senator Lieberman in the Democratic primary in Connecticut in 2006 and won, forcing Lieberman to run (and win) as an independent, is the grandson of Thomas W Lamont, partner of J.P. Morgan, the greatest financier of the “Gilded Age.” Ned Lamont, of course, has an inherited fortune of “between 90 and 300 million” dollars.

Maybe the trouble is with Obama’s staff. Everything else is.

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One Response to “Obama’s Values”

  1. […] Enableate wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptObama’s Values May 12th, 2008 There has been considerable discussion of Obama’s values as an index of his electability as president. He is not a Muslim and he now says he rejects the values of his pastor, Reverend Wright. Here is one indication of where those values might be found. They seem to parallel the values of the philanthropic left today, and that includes most philanthropic foundations. Long ago, these foundations were funded with the estates of great capitalists. It is not unusual […]