More results of multiculturalism in Britain.

I have previously posted about my concerns over the British trends that mimic similar trends here in the 1960s. We wound up with cities that were unlivable and the movie “Death Wish“, which portrayed a man who becomes a vigilante after his wife is murdered by thugs in New York City, was greeted by standing ovations in movie theaters. The movie was so successful, it made a huge star of Charles Bronsan and spawned three sequels.

The Labour government has relentlessly pressed forward with policies that reward bad behavior and with education “reform” that removes the British culture and history from the society. I recently noted an absence of historical knowledge among tour guides at an historic castle in Britain.

The result of the Labour policies has been prosecution of protesters who oppose Muslim influence while Muslims attack government ministers verbally and collect welfare benefits for their many wives.

Although already married with three children and reportedly living off £700 a month in state benefits, the 31-year-old is seeking more wives, with the intention of fathering more than nine children.

The same courtesy doesn’t extend to non-Muslim protesters collecting petition signatures. The new law is called  the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill and illustrates a fact often unappreciated by Americans. Britain has no “First Amendment” free speech rights. The results are now becoming apparent. A new BBC poll suggests that Britons are worried about racial violence.

Certainly they have seen plenty of evidence recently.

The trial of the airplane would-be bombers.

The 2005 Underground bombings.

There are plenty of warnings. Are they being taken seriously ?

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3 Responses to “More results of multiculturalism in Britain.”

  1. Mike LaRoche says:

    If any ideology has the potential to bring down the West from within, it is multiculturalism.

    The phrase that best defines multiculturalism is Susan Sontag’s infamous comment from 1967 that ” the white race is the cancer of human history.” That is liberal fascism in its purest form.

  2. Dana says:

    Mike K,

    I read at Gates of Vienna this interesting look at the the Islamafication of Europe (specifically in regard to Geert Wilder’s inevitable death). Unfortunately, it rings true – they just have to step back and let the masses be the clueless frog coing to a slow boil.

    “The current rate at which Islamists see their goals realized without any need to resort to violence, or even without them asking, will for the moment probably forestall the violent death of Geert Wilders at the hands of a Muslim, ‘cause it will almost certainly be deemed counter-productive to the cause of jihad.

    It is the often neglected part of jihad that’s most destructive, the Islamization of Western society in small steps, the creeping unmaking of our way of life, often through the preemptive self-Islamization of the elites, forced upon the people.”

  3. Rampa says:

    Heya great blog, I’m glad I found it on Google.