John McCain’s saving grace

This fatuous puff piece in the Washington Post illustrates one of McCain’s best qualities; his ability to cut through BS of this sort and nail wasteful government spending. I do worry about some of his ideas, immigration and campaign finance/first amendment issues, but this crap is reassuring. At least he has the right enemies.

Bob Novak has more on this story.

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One Response to “John McCain’s saving grace”

  1. doombuggy says:

    >>>>his ability to cut through BS

    Unfortunately, he is facing a Pacific ocean of BS.

    The Grizzly bear study is laughable, if such money wasting should be laughed at. It works out to more than $8000 per bear recorded.

    Here’s some of my favorite quotes from the article:

    >>She has spent 33 years with the federal government, mostly studying bears.

    Oh man, a big time lifer.

    >>Kendall may retire after she publishes a few more scientific papers emerging from her project.

    Retire, and what? Get a real job? She’s only 56.

    >>She commutes to Glacier National Park every day…

    Some people pay to do this.

    >>She’s dressed for the field: Gore-Tex jacket, trusty 25-year-old snow boots.

    The Red Wing store where I buy work boots has an advert on the wall that says the average work boot lasts 3 months. I am so proud of myself because I usually get better than a year out of mine.

    The Novak piece says the Dems may reform earmarks before the Repubs do. That tells a lot.