Kids can’t read but they know about global warming

Anyone who worries about the failure of public schools should be concerned about this bill, one more example of the interference by the legislature in the education curriculum. We have “Heather has Two Mommies” but graduation rates in California are among the lowest in the nation.Among the 100 largest districts, the lowest graduation rate was in San Bernardino City Unified district (42 percent), followed by Detroit (42 percent) and New York City (43 percent).But they’ll know about global warming and recycling.

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4 Responses to “Kids can’t read but they know about global warming”

  1. I saw that. It fits well with “Herstory” as a discipline. And “Patriarchal logic and math.”

  2. Eric Blair says:

    Or a college major specializing in “Queer Theory.”

    Where i used to teach, there was a gadfly of a student. He was contrarian to the max, and where I used to teach, that meant he would act in a conservative fashion. Anyway, I was on the committee that evaluated and decided upon student petitions.

    The student wanted to design his own major, called “The Reagan Presidency.”

    You should have heard the venom from my colleagues. It was too narrow. It was hateful. There wasn’t any intellectual rigor. And so forth, ad nauseum.

    I think that the student wanted a battle with faculty on the subject.

    I short circuited him. I suggested that the he branch out with a major called “The Media and the Presidency.” This scratched most of the itches that the student had, intellectually, and got the lockstep partisan faculty crowd to quiet down.

    After all, most of my colleagues at the time were aging hippie types. “Do your own thing,” they would exclaim, not adding what they added under their breaths: “…so long as it is my kind of thing you do….”

  3. carol says:

    Funny how it’s always assumed that a student should want to rebel against order, patriarchy, government, religion, everything..what if the student was raised in a chaotic series of homes by a single mom with no religion, cut off from extended family and on the margins of society? There are plenty of us out here and rebellion for us means exactly the opposite of what these old hippies believe.