The best argument for McCain

This writer, a professor at the Naval War College, states the best argument for McCain even though he is not supporting him. I have been disillusioned since 2000.

The immigration bill he sponsored with Ted Kennedy, is the worst blot on his record as a conservative. Libertarians support open borders (although Ron Paul now opposes unlimited immigration) but they usually hedge this with reservations about the welfare state that is so easily accessed by the illegals. I have spent many a long night repairing the damage to these people, usually a consequence of alcohol and ignorance, both well recognized as features of their culture. In 1900, millions came from Europe, were processed through Ellis Island where medical exams and some degree of screening for criminals existed, and allowed to strive for survival and even success in a country that had few safety nets for failure. Today, we see millions arrive with no screening, infected with sometimes exotic variants of infectious disease and who possess a fine sense of their “rights” as enumerated by various political pressure groups.

I do some reviews of Workers Compensation claims in California. I was very nearly terminated by a major Workers Compensation carrier for commenting on a report that the claimant, an illiterate illegal alien with chronic back pain at age 28, was probably not a candidate for vocational rehabilitation. The fact that the observation was true was not a defense. Even the fact that the observation was a justification for more medical treatment was barely adequate to avoid punishment. The rights claimed by illegals are supported by various political groups who hope to profit from their presence. Some, mostly Democrats although I suspect there are some delusional Republicans among them, expect gratitude expressed at the ballot box. Others, like NY City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, simply want cheap labor.

McCain would be better than the Democrat alternatives, although I doubt the topic of illegal immigration is an example of where.

4 Responses to “The best argument for McCain”

  1. Eric Blair says:

    Life is too often about picking the “least bad” choice. It shouldn’t be that way, but purity and perfection are too seldom part of this life. What concerns me are people who throw important things away because they cannot get 100% of what they want.

    I hope that everyone votes—the “sitter-out” crew is not helping anyone except for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

    But there are two references that are pretty good analyses, whether or not you agree:


  2. I don’t know why links don’t wrap in the comments. Have to work on that. I have taken a hint from your advice and edited the above to make anonymous the carrier. Life is that way.

  3. Eric Blair says:

    And something hopeful about the McCain business, even though I wish he was not the presumptive nominee…

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