Eurabian update.

A Muslim teenager was trying to mug a young German man in Cologne. The German defended himself and the Muslim was killed. Now, the Muslims are rioting and the Germans seem to be apologizing for defending themselves. I’d shoot him. No wonder the Germans are upset with us. We defend ourselves.

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2 Responses to “Eurabian update.”

  1. Mike LaRoche says:

    In that article, the Muslims harp on and on about being “second-class citizens” – as if they should have the right to mug people on the street.

    They must be getting their talking points from the ACLU.

  2. Eric Blair says:

    Hi, Professor LaRoche:

    It’s that weird asymmetry again. I think it started with some of Marcuse’s arguments that, for example, a “person of color” could not be racist because of power differential, and that abrogation of free speech of the “powerful majority” was not an abrogation of free speech. Brrrr.

    So the Muslims get to claim victim status, even when they riot and attack the rights of others. The difficult part is that, if they were in charge, they would not lend to the minority the rights on which they insist now.

    Reminds me in a weird way of on-campus “Take Back the Night” marches by the Women’s Center. I notice that the night they took back was on campus, not in the not-so-nice parts of town.