Eurabia report

I have previously posted some concerns about the Islamization of Europe. Here is a new report on the effect of these changes on gays in Europe. My impression of the political concerns of gay activists here is that they do not see how American policies toward radical Islam are making their lives safer. It must be comforting to think that gay marriage is the only concern you have.

One Response to “Eurabia report”

  1. doombuggy says:

    Interesting link. Islam confronting our post modern multiculturalists reminds me of Cortez confronting the Aztecs. At first the Aztecs thought the Spaniard was a god, so they worshiped him. Even when they figured out Cortez meant them no good, the Aztecs had no societal ability to hold off the Spanish.

    That’s the West today–no societal ability to hold off the radical Muslims.