More on the Navy’s carrier attack drone

A couple of years ago I posted a photo of the new Navy drone, which will be carrier based.

Now, Popular Science has another photo of this drone which will make carrier landings next year. It is bigger than World War II carrier planes and is another step away from manned attack and fighter planes. Drones can take Gs that humans cannot, even with G suits. The experience with bigger and bigger drones in Afghanistan is going to change military aviation.

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4 Responses to “More on the Navy’s carrier attack drone”

  1. doombuggy says:

    I find it interesting that Obama has increased the drone activity in Afghanistan. The Left has a lot of rhetoric about pacifism and humanitarianism, but in practice not so much.

  2. I think he likes doing stuff by remote control. Keeps his hands from getting dirty.

  3. The main question isn’t drones vs. manned aircraft; the main question is carrier strategy itself and the future of same.

    Cost/Benefit/Risk… these are the questions when it comes to traditional U.S. carrier group strategy in the 21st century combat environment.

    I don’t have the answers… but I know the questions!

    Thoughts, Mike?


  4. The carrier thing is probably for more than the capabilities of the drones that are operating in Afghanistan. This plane will weigh 20 tons. I suspect it will have far greater lift capacity for ordnance and it can refuel air-to-air. Flying it will be a hell of a challenge. It will take an entire culture change in pilots. They will not feel the thrill of the flight sensation but will have to have great skill. I can see many of these as warrant officers but I know of a USAF colonel in Tucson who was flying drones in Afghanistan from Davis Monthan. Among other things, this will give older pilots a way to keep flying when they can’t handle the physical demands anymore.