ACLU silliness

Are you planning to wear orange next Friday? I guess we could call it “Take a terrorist home for the weekend,” day. Maybe it just seems that way to me but, are these guys on our side ?

The whole story reminds me of the scene in Ghostbusters when William Atherton (Walter Peck, the man from the EPA) tells the ghostbusters that they have to shut down the containment grid and release all the ghosts that are contained therein. Everybody but Peck starts edging for the stairs as the grid whines down to silence and all hell breaks loose. Walter Peck would make a good ACLU counsel.

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3 Responses to “ACLU silliness”

  1. Dana says:

    The only thing I can say is the ACLU has been reliably consistent in their behavior and in which side of an issue they will fall on. Its never a guessing game with them. It does make me wonder about the ‘A’ standing for American….

    Fred Thompson smartly observed,

    ““The detainees at Guantanamo are not American citizens, they are enemies of this nation and they do not enjoy the rights of American citizens,” he said. “And they are not entitled to habeas corpus protection.”

  2. Eric Blair says:

    I liked the “Ghostbusters” reference, Dr. K. In the scene you mention, I believe it was Bill Murray backing away from Peck—-and making an “explosion” silent mime act as he did.

    I could understand their position that they aren’t any anyone’s “side,” but they do treat various “sides” asymmetrically. It could be soft racism/classism, where they expect more from the government than terrorists?

    More seriously, I will never, ever forgive the ACLU for their defense of NAMBLA, especially considering the Virginia director of the ACLU’s involvement with that organization.

    The ACLU isn’t evenhanded in its approach. The folks at FIRE in this country ( at least are truly nonpartisan in their drive toward free expression in educational environments.

  3. Eric Blair says:

    Oh, and I believe that you are returning to the US of A in a day or two—safe journey and I hope that you have enjoyed your vacation.