Saudi terrorists

The Saudis have discovered a new tactic to harass those who study terrorism. A book on the financing of terrorism was stopped using British libel laws. Not many Americans realize that Britain has no First Amendment, no freedom of speech. The British press has always been free in expressing criticism of their own government but criticizing anyone else is fraught with risk, especially if they are rich, or have rich friends. Now Canada has become another venue for these harassing suits. The Saudi billionaire has the wherewithal to overwhelm those who are required to defend themselves. Now, cowardice similar to that of Oxford University Press, is spreading. The Saudis are no friends of ours. The relationship is purely self interest. They sell us oil and we help the royal family to keep the angry population at bay. We should no more expect friendship from them than we would expect it from a pimp who offers to sell us his sister.

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2 Responses to “Saudi terrorists”

  1. doombuggy says:

    This is breathtaking.

    I’m sure there are no libel suits in Saudi over the crap in their books. How convenient for their side.

    This is also an example of the bad effects of “venue shopping” in the legal realm. These cases should be randomly assigned to qualified judges.

  2. Dana says:

    I have been following Rachel Ehrenfield’s case re this very matter and her book ‘Funding Evil…’ with great interest. At the the heart of it is a serious issue of free speech that will not just effect Britain but also the United States. I hope our courts hold firm.

    Rachel Ehrenfield has more cajones in her dimunitive self than all of the Cambrige Press.