Democrat Economics

Pete Stark has been in Congress far too long. Doubt that ? Watch this.

Amazing. No wonder they are happy to spend trillions on worthless bureaucrats. It is making us all rich !

UPDATE: He has lots of company among his fellow Democrats ! Just amazing.

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9 Responses to “Democrat Economics”

  1. Seriously… I couldn’t watch the whole thing.

    Horrifying. Simply horrifying.


  2. You missed the best part at the end when tells the young interviewer to get the f**k out of here.

  3. doombuggy says:

    Yes, that was painful to watch but the payoff line at the end was gold.

    The interviewer was too pushy but I think Stark realized he was talking crap so he tried to bluff his way out of it with bully tactics. That was soooo awkward.

  4. cassandra says:

    heh, scratch the phony veneer and I think most of them are like this underneath, when they’ve been in power this long. They hate to be confronted and questioned like this.

  5. cassandra says:


  6. Akismet requires a key that seems only to be available on the dot com version.

  7. cassandra says:

    I use Akismet and have the .org version at a hosting site.

  8. cassandra says:

    …but most the spam I get that it catches is full of links. Different from this.

  9. Apparently these spammers want hits on their address. The spam filer gets many but these seem to get through. I haven’t figured out the Akismet key.