Another D-Day anniversary.

I have posted a few photos from our trips to Normandy in years past. I haven’t been back since then but have been reading about it. Here is SLA Marshall’s description of the first wave at Normandy.

It was very nearly a disaster for the whole invasion although Utah and the British and Canadian beaches were far less dangerous for the troops. One reason was the geography.

Utah Beach was nearly flat and there was no bluff as there was at Omaha. The problem at Utah was that the country behind the beach was low and the Airborne drop was to secure the causeways that controlled access to the dry ground beyond the fields flooded by the Germans. Sante Mere-Eglise was the center of the Airborne mission.


It is much more quiet today although the famous parachute still hangs from the church roof.


The story was told in the wonderful movie, “The Longest Day,” which followed, accurately, the book by Cornelius Ryan.

Museum at Sante Mere Eglise

Today, Sante Mere-Eglise has a very complete museum which gets more complete every year as men from the two Airborne divisions pass on and leave their memorabilia to the museum. Here is one example. That may be the folded flag from his funeral.


Here, Annie poses with a gun in the external part of the exhibit.

All through the back country behind the beaches, the French have erected monuments where soldiers were killed.


Reading these monuments, it is obvious that most were engineers, probably engaged in mine clearing. He was killed on D-Day, June 6.

Omaha Beach was another matter altogether because of the high bluff and the roadblocks at each entrance.


The bluff is high and must have been a terrible obstacle. Pont du Hoc was located between the two American beaches and was heavily shelled on D-Day.


The Rangers climbed this cliff and, at the 40th anniversary celebration, the leader, Colonel Rudder said that he didn’t know how they had done it.


The field at the top of Pont du Hoc still shows the effects of the bombardment.

Finally, the girls spent a half hour in the cemetery above Omaha Beach.


I hope they never forget. One of the cousins is the daughter of a Marine fighter pilot so she will probably remember.


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