Who said the Democrats are cowards ?

The Democrats have been accused by some of cowardice because they want to cut and run from Iraq. That depends on the point of view. Today, the New York Times points out that they are stalwart in their demand for surrender. No matter that chaos and a resurgent al Qeada would follow. They demand that we flee from the struggle in Iraq even if we seem on the verge of winning the war. I’m not sure if this is really a result of geopolitical strategy on their part or fear that a victory would validate Bush’s approach to the threat of jihadism. I’m inclined toward the latter theory. How the roles have reversed since 1940 when Roosevelt maneuvered to bring us to the aid of civilization and the Republicans were the isolationists. Even the antisemitism of those days, when Jews were considered to be of divided loyaties, has returned but on the left this time. The Timmerman book has a chapter on the Larry Franklin case. The Democrats and rogue elements in the FBI and CIA were convinced that Israel was directing the Bush foreign policy toward the Midde East. Franklin cooperated when the FBI contacted him and, as a result was an easy target for the anti-Israel warriors in the federal bureaucracy. The recent Walt and Mearsheimer book gives a good picture of this alternate view of history. The term “neocon” has become a synonym for Jew in current Washington journalism. It looks better in print.

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