Obama’s advisors

Obama has had a parade of advisors depart the campaign after various gaffes. First there was economic advisor Austan Goolsbee who tried to reassure the Canadians that anti-free trade talk by Obama was just for the consumption of the bitter “rubes” of the Rust Belt. Then there was foreign policy advisor Samantha Power who thinks the Iranian nuclear program is a figment of Bush’s imagination.

The war scare that wasn’t stands as a metaphor for the incoherence of our policy toward Iran: the Bush Administration attempts to gin up international outrage by making a claim of imminent danger, only to be met with international eye rolling when the claim is disproved. Sound familiar? The speedboat episode bore an uncanny resemblance to the Administration’s allegations about the advanced state of Iran’s weapons program–allegations refuted in December by the National Intelligence Estimate.

A common theme among Obama advisors is antipathy to Israel. Joseph Cirincione is the Obama nuclear advisor. Here is Cirincione’s opinion of the Syrian nuclear site before it was proven to be a North Korea-built reactor.

This story is nonsense. The Washington Post story should have been headlined “White House Officials Try to Push North Korea-Syria Connection.” This is a political story, not a threat story. The mainstream media seems to have learned nothing from the run-up to war in Iraq. It is a sad commentary on how selective leaks from administration officials who have repeatedly misled the press are still treated as if they were absolute truth.

Of course, we now know the reactor was not “a lie.” And Cirincione is still advising Obama.

This is what passes for wisdom on the political left these days.

I am coming to the conclusion that Democrats realize Obama may be another McGovern. They are willing to lose the election since the loss can be blamed on racism, further binding blacks to the Democratic Party. The alternative, nominating Hillary, would split the party.

A loss is a tactical retreat and can be used to further demonize Republicans to the blacks who are knee-jerk Democrat voters.

“[T]he vast, vast majority of voters who would not vote for Barack Obama in November based on race are probably firmly in John McCain’s camp already,” he says.

Yup. There it is. No mention of the racists in Rev. Wright’s church.

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