Palestinian refugees

There is a civil war going on in the Middle East. No, it is not in Iraq. It is in the Palestinian territories, specifically in Gaza. Fatah members are losing the war to Hamas and they are fleeing. Where can they flee ? Why, to Israel, of course.

Extraordinary developments in Gaza have given a new meaning to the term ‘Palestinian refugees’. As the Jerusalem Post reports, fierce fighting in Gaza between Fatah and Hamas over the weekend, in which 11 people died and dozens more were wounded, resulted in 180 Fatah refugees fleeing from what they called a ‘war of genocide’ by Hamas against Fatah supporters. And where did they flee to? Why, to Israel, of course — which allowed them in and proceeded to treat 23 of them (some of whom were wounded by the Israeli army after they approached the crossing into Israel) in Israeli hospitals.

Have you read about this ? Of course not.

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  1. […] News » News Palestinian refugees2008-08-06 10:34:52Army whom were wounded by the crossing into Israel) in and proceeded to treat 23 […]