Where do I sign ?

Cindy Sheehan, pitiful tool of anti-war activists, needs 10,198 signatures to run against Nancy Pelosi for her seat in Congress. Where do I sign ?

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2 Responses to “Where do I sign ?”

  1. Dana says:

    Wow. What a beautiful reflection of SF and its eternal progressive nuttiness still humming along. Pelosi will still look sharper in pantsuits but Sheehan has quite a following and as the war continues on she may actually have some effect in rallying the Lets-impeach-Bush crowd in to action, enough to make it be a real competition… and she has certainly chosen the right city to be heard… these are the times where I actually thank God I’m in So. Cal.

  2. Eric Blair says:

    Dana, this says it all:



    Oh wait, everybody does it, right? I’m so tired of that. I know you are, too. I’m just ranting.