The juxtaposition of these two images is astonishing and another indication of the brilliance of Matt Drudge.

Bloody fingerprints show where Americans were killed in Benghazi. The fact that President Obama would use almost the same image for his trumped up phony flag image (with five stripes, like fingers) is beyond belief.

One of the SEALs was buried today in San Diego. He left a wife and a daughter he never saw.

Surely, he deserves better than this president.

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One Response to “”

  1. doombuggy says:

    Remarkable how politically tone-deaf is Obama and his administration, from his middle name, to not saluting the flag, pointedly not wearing a flag lapel, bowing to foreign leaders, Eric “my people” Holder, etc. Yet he gets a pass. Compare to Howard Dean, who is tossed for one scream. His base and the powers-that-be have deemed him Dear Leader no matter what.