The USA as a fiscal system.

Powerline today has an analysis of the USA as if it were a firm applying for funds from Kleiner, Perkins. The presentation has a number of slides, which I will reproduce here.

The net worth of the US is on the right side scale. The trend is pretty obvious. The small improvement is probably a sign of some recovery in the past year.

Spending has followed historical events, such as World War II. The trend, however, is not good. After 1930, spending on entitlements began and has grown out of control.

Defense spending is blamed by leftists but there has not been a lot of defense spending since Vietnam.

Taxes have followed a steady trend line until Obama was elected. The sharp rise has not helped as costs far outstrip revenue.

What, then, is the problem ?


Entitlements plus interest alone will exceed revenue by 2027. That’s 6 years from now.

The left wants to raise taxes.

How high must tax brackets go ?

How do we compare to other countries ?

Better than some and not so good as others.

Can the left stop denying reality and start to discuss the reality ?

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3 Responses to “The USA as a fiscal system.”

  1. doombuggy says:

    The trend, however, is not good. After 1930, spending on entitlements began and has grown out of control.

    I note in historical accounts before the “30’s, in times of financial gloom, there were entreaties to Washington to “do something”, but the leaders of that era resisted this road to… perdition? I guess the power of liberalism has increased till today, where we are whacking the piƱata with all our might.

  2. Good find, doc!

    (I’m gonna “borrow” it; with the appropriate tip of the hat, of course!)

    The Left doesn’t care about reality. Either that or they’re well aware of reality – which of course means that they’re deliberately doing everything within their power to destroy the United States as a capitalist society.

    Guns and ammo, folks…. guns and ammo…

    Seriously – could you imagine what would have happened here if we’d been hit with what Japan has been hit with?

    I don’t know how close you are to the nearest ghettos, doc, but within 15-20 miles of me there are literally tens of thousands of barely restrained savages who absent the tither of civilized order would create a situation we haven’t seen in this country since the height of the Indian wars.

    What’s going on in Japan… the scale of the disaster… anything similar here and it would be game over.

    God help us.

  3. Why do you think I have moved to the mountains?