Will this wake up England ?

Prince Harry is back from Afghanistan and is being threatened by Islamist fanatics. Do you suppose this might be enough to rouse some British patriotism ? I wonder.

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3 Responses to “Will this wake up England ?”

  1. doombuggy says:

    Amy Alkon has a droll Britisher who occasionally comments. He posted this the other day:

    ****Well I know where I stand in the upcoming war. Problem is I think it’s going to be up against a wall….

  2. Dana says:

    Even if the Brits circle the wagons, it would appear to be too late as they’ve played the appeasement game too long and given in to the Muslim demands for special treatment too many times. It will certainly be interesting to see how this turns out. OTH, I’ve been reading in a number of small town journals / blogs from regular average Brits, not living in London, that this whole issue of Britain’s capitulation toward Islam is not at all supported, endorsed or believed by them to be in the country’s best interest.

  3. When I was there three years ago, just after the fox-hunting ban, I saw protests in the country-side. England is being run right now by an urban elite that has no connection to country people.