I predicted this

I have already predicted this. The weasels among the effete left are already looking for an excuse to keep ROTC off campuses. Don’t Ask has now been repealed and gays may openly serve in the military, hopefully with more maturity than Private Manningserved his country. Now the political left will have to find another excuse. How is this ?

It should not be forgotten that schools have legitimate and moral reasons for keeping the military at bay, regardless of the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” They can stand with those who for reasons of conscience reject military solutions to conflicts.

It’s a shame Mr McCarthy hasn’t had the opportunity to experience what the lack of a competent military can bring. I’m not sure Mr McCarthy would go as far as the World Socialists.

WikiLeaks and Private Manning are being targeted because they have done what a cowardly and spineless media has refused to do—tell the truth about the crimes of American imperialism. Working people in the United States and around the world must demand the dropping of all threats and charges against WikiLeaks, an end to the government harassment and targeting of whistleblowers, and the immediate release of Private Bradley Manning.

But, if the truth were told, I think we could find very similar thoughts somewhere in his cranium. After all…

ROTC and its warrior ethic taint the intellectual purity of a school, if by purity we mean trying to rise above the foul idea that nations can kill and destroy their way to peace. If a school such as Harvard does sell out to the military, let it at least be honest and add a sign at its Cambridge front portal: Harvard, a Pentagon Annex.

Colman McCarthy, a former Post columnist, directs the Center for Teaching Peace in Washington and teaches courses on nonviolence at four area universities and two high schools.

Yes, I think those thoughts are in there.

Here is another opinion on McCarthy’s magnum opus.

Colman invokes Martin Luther King. King certainly urged non-violent protests against Jim Crow and the Vietnam War; but was he a pacifist? Did he oppose in retrospect, say, the Civil War? That is, did he deplore Lincoln’s military decision to restore the Union without slavery? Perhaps non-violent protests might have won a secessionist South back into the Union by the 1920s or 1930s without slavery. After all, what is a mere 60 or 70 years more of slavery?

Well put.

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