The explanation for John McCain’s amnesty plan

I have a home in Arizona and have wondered why John McCain would ignore all the evidence about the harm that illegal immigration brings to heavily impacted communities. Now I know why he does it. Remember Sutton’s Law ? Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks and replied “That’s where the money is!” The man who is funding McCain’s last try at the presidency is the chairman of Univision, the Spanish language TV empire that fought English-only education in California. If children are educated in, and become fluent in, English, why would they watch Univision programming once they become adults ? I don’t blame Univision for wanting an indentured class of Spanish only TV watchers, even if they can never progress in the American economy, but why would McCain want this ?

In the final weeks of the campaign, Republican billionaire A. Jerrold Perenchio, owner of the Univision Spanish-language television network, provided millions of dollars in cash and free air-time to the No on 227 campaign, which overall outspent the Yes campaign by a ratio of 20 to 1 in advertising. Despite this financial mismatch Proposition 227 passed by one of the widest margins in recent history, winning a larger percentage of the vote than any contested initiative since Proposition 13 in 1978.

I guess it is all about money after all. McCain is the enemy of “soft money” in political campaigns isn’t he ?

A. Jerrold Perenchio, chairman of the Spanish-language media giant Univision and a McCain national finance co-chairman: $11.3 million

Well, maybe not when the money is coming his way.

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