A clumsy blunder

The Secretary of State was once the subject of a boomlet for the presidential nomination after her boss’s term ends. That was back when it seemed she was going to do a good job. Lately, that boomlet has disappeared and what we see are clumsy statements that make her sound like one more State Department Arabist. The Palestinians had the opportunity for an historic peace in 2000 and Dennis Ross has documented that effort. Arafat turned it down and resumed the Intifada, only with suicide bombers this time instead of stones. Of course, Arafat has his apologists but what would you expect from the New York Review of Books? I was once a subscriber and used to chuckle over the singles ads in the back that stated “No Republicans.”

Condi would have been well advised to take Ross’s advice but there seems to be a never ending supply of wishful thinking at State and she has imbibed freely. I have previously posted my opinion of the Annapolis talks and they went nowhere.

What next ? That will be for the next Secretary of State to determine.

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7 Responses to “A clumsy blunder”

  1. Vivian Louise says:

    Considering that Condi has been craptacular at State, I’m thrilled the whole “Condi for POTUS” movement died. Analysts don’t make great leaders, they make great analysts.

  2. allan says:

    “Leading analysts say that….”

    Hey, VL, I think we have the makings of an oxymoron. What a team we could be. I’ll be the default moron, of course. You being the foxy oxy, naturally.

    Mike, I don’t see an email contact for you on this site. I wanted to send you a sample of one my newsletters which is a 5 min rundown of the day’s financial headline understories which might interest you. If you like it, I’d forward it to you as frequently as you like. My way of saying thanks for all the things I’ve gained from your posts.

  3. cassandra says:

    It always amazes me how many otherwise reasonable people will get all worked up for virtually unknown, unproven and politically inexperienced person as a candidate. At least Rice had the good sense not to take it too seriously.

  4. There should be an “info” e-mail address that coms into my mail program. Try it and I’ll see if I get it.

  5. allan says:

    The only thing I could find was your publishing email address. I forwarded the sample to that.

  6. Vivian Louise says:

    “Hey, VL, I think we have the makings of an oxymoron. What a team we could be. I’ll be the default moron, of course. You being the foxy oxy, naturally.”


  7. Allan, I added a “contact” link at the page links. I tested it and it works. I was sure there was an e-mail link but now I can’t find it either.