Just for Tim

I have added this post just for Tim who thinks he knows how the financial meltdown started.


How is that, Tim ? Does that make you fell better ?


4 Responses to “Just for Tim”

  1. timb says:

    Yes, I feel better now that I know I was talking to someone who can’t be bothered to read and who has a accepted a irrational explanation rejected by everyone else in the Universe.

    I know, “you people” believe tons of things which never happened. You believe Clinton destroyed the White House before Bush was inaugurated; you believe he held up planes on LAX, and that Al Gore said he invented the Internet, mut Mike, you seemed smarter than most.

    Try this conservative mortgage banker: http://theeprovocateur.blogspot.com/2009/07/cra-fannie-mae-and-democrats-conspiracy.html

    Or don’t. You far-right wing teadrinkers no longer care about solutions to problems, the causes of problems, or, hell, participating in a democracy.

    <<>>The only thing left to do with people who do not believe the objective findings of reality is mock them. And, to think I had high hopes for you….

  2. Tim, I agree with you completely. Some people are easy to mock.

    I have a book for you to read since you are so into reading about economics. This one. You can read my review as it is the first one posted.

  3. timb says:

    OMG, not a word about the CRA and evil minority lending to poor people brought down the financial industry? Is the Michael Kennedy who reviews books on Amazon a different, sane version of the wingnut posting at his blog. Do either know of the existence of the other?*

    *Your review was second, not first. But, it wasn’t hard to find! How does a “pre-review” gets placed in the reviews? Was it written by her agent? husband? Another right-winger from the Manhattan Institute? A Paul Krugman sock-puppet? We’ll never know, but we do know he value of a “pre-review” is basically worthless.

  4. The CRA and the sub-prime hysteria were the final stage of the bubble. Had we not had the housing bubble, the crisis might have been put off a few years. Both parties are to blame, which is one reason why the tea parties are not Republican Astroturf. There is a lot of animosity to Republican incumbents. You should go to one just to see for yourself. There is a lot to be said for listening to the other side. Patterico, like many right leaning blogs, allow much more of that then the lefties. After years of commenting at Wash Monthly, I have been banned from commenting. They don’t want to get confused.

    I blame Bush and Greenspan (especially) for allowing the housing bubble but it was the child of the CRA. I have a number of posts on it. It could not have happened without the Fannie / Freddie corruption and manipulation. Raines has a lot to answer for but he won’t have to.